Geiss 2 Geiss 2 is a sequel to the original winamp plug-in, Geiss, developed in 1998 and 1999. Now it's back, with higher resolutions, smooth blends, full multimon support, new movements and palettes, 'mouse steering' (hit INSERT), and even DESKTOP MODE (hit ALT+D). It even dynamically stitches together many chunks of pre-tuned assembly code for the main loop, to find the fastest code for your machine. geiss 1.0 MusicBee 3 Windows 7/ 8/ 10/ 11 Add-ons Visualizer MusicBee

Geiss 2


by raul

Supports Minimum MusicBee 3

Geiss 2 is a sequel to the original winamp plug-in, Geiss, developed in 1998 and 1999. Now it's back, with higher resolutions, smooth blends, full multimon support, new movements and palettes, 'mouse steering' (hit INSERT), and even DESKTOP MODE (hit ALT+D). It even dynamically stitches together many chunks of pre-tuned assembly code for the main loop, to find the fastest code for your machine.


Copy the vis_geiss.dll file to the Plugins folder on MusicBee.

Name Geiss 2
Author raul
Version 1.0
Category Visualizer
Published on April 8, 2022
Supports Minimum MusicBee 3

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