MiniLyrics Helper Plugin integrates lyrics downloaded by MiniLyrics into the MusicBee lyrics panel. February 1, 2018, 7:02 am MiniLyrics 1.0 MusicBee 3 Windows 7/ 8/ 10/ 11 Add-ons Plugins MusicBee

MiniLyrics Helper


by boroda

Supports Minimum MusicBee 3

Plugin integrates lyrics downloaded by MiniLyrics into the MusicBee lyrics panel.


NOTE: Real plugin author is Steven. I've just copied this plugin from the forum to add-on's section of site.

How to use

First you need the MiniLyrics application from Crintsoft.

If you prefer the MiniLyrics GUI for displaying lyrics then that's all you need (it's very nice!) - it integrates with MusicBee (without any plugin) and shows lyrics for the playing track.

But if you prefer to have lyrics displayed in MusicBee lyrics panel:

Extract content of archive to plugins subfolder of MusicBee installation folder (e.g. to "c:\program files\musicbee\plugins"). To configure plugin go to 'Edit/Preferences/Plugins'. Plugin settings will need to match how you configure MiniLyrics e.g. if you configure MiniLyrics to download lyrics to a specific folder, you will need to configure this helper plugin to reference the same folder.

See also 'How-to' by ma_t14 for other useful info.


Go to 'Edit/Preferences/Plugins'. Click 'Uninstall'. Plugin will delete all automatically created files (e.g. settings), but you need to exit MusicBee and manually delete all files that were included in plugin .zip.

Name MiniLyrics Helper
Author boroda
Version 1.0
Category Plugins
Published on December 19, 2017
Updated on February 1, 2018, 7:02 am
Supports Minimum MusicBee 3

More from boroda

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